National Archives Act, 1986


Section 1 (2)

Office of the Secretary to the President

Central Statistics Office

National Archives Advisory Council

National Archives

National Museum of Ireland (including Natural History Museum)

Office of the Attorney General (including the Parliamentary Draftsman's Office, the Statute Law Reform and Consolidation Office and the Chief State Solicitor's Office)

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General

Office of the Paymaster General

National Savings Committee

Revenue Commissioners

Office of Appeal Commissioners of Income Tax

Commissioners of Public Works

State Laboratory

Ordnance Survey

Commissioner of Valuation and Chief Boundary Surveyor

Stationery Office

Review Body on Higher Remuneration in the Public Sector

Public Service Advisory Council

Civil Service Arbitration Boards

Civil Service Commissioners

Local Appointments Commissioners

An Garda Síochána

Land Registry

Registry of Deeds

Offices or institutions to which the Prisons Acts, 1826 to 1980, apply and St. Patrick's Institution

Office of the Film Censor

Censorship of Films Appeal Board

Censorship of Publications Board

Censorship of Publications Appeal Board

Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal

Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests

The Water Pollution Advisory Council

The Rent Tribunal

National Manpower Service

The Labour Court

Rights Commissioners

The Employment Appeals Tribunal

The Levy Appeals Tribunal

Companies Registration Office

Patents Office

Registry of Friendly Societies

Restrictive Practices Commission

Office of the Examiner of Restrictive Practices

National Prices Commission

Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs

Registry of Building Societies

National Consumer Advisory Council

Motor Insurance Advisory Board

An Coimisiún Dumpála

Land Commission

Office of Controller of Plant Breeders Rights

Judicial Commissioner of Land Commission

Appeal Tribunal of Land Commission

Public Trustee of Land Commission

National Library (including the Genealogical Office)

Geological Survey of Ireland

The Defence Forces

Army Pensions Board

General Register Office