Imposition of Duties (Confirmation of Orders) Act, 1968


Number and year of Statutory Instrument


General Subject Matter




S.I. No. 135 of 1967.

Imposition of Duties (No. 161) (Pneumatic Tyres) Order, 1967.

Increase in the minimum specific duty of customs on pneumatic tyres for certain mechanically propelled vehicles imported from countries other than the United Kingdom or Northern Ireland.

S.I. No. 147 of 1967

Imposition of Duties (No. 162) (Lawn-Mowers) Order, 1967.

Substitution of an ordinary licensing provision for the restricted licensing provision attached to the duty on manually operated lawn-mowers.

S.I. No. 156 of 1967.

Imposition of Duties (No. 164) (Customs Duties and Form of Customs Tariff) Order, 1967.

Second reduction in protective duties, and in protective element in revenue duties, on certain goods of United Kingdom origin in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom establishing a Free Trade Area; maintenance of the import duty preference in favour of certain Northern Ireland goods as against similar goods imported from the United Kingdom; exemption from revenue duty of cameras designed solely for medical or surgical purposes; minor editorial changes in the form of customs tariff.

S.I. No. 255 of 1967.

Imposition of Duties (No. 165) (Customs Duties and Form of Customs Tariff) Order, 1967.

Reduction of duties on completely knocked down motor vehicles form 20% to 17½% and amendment of a certain licensing provision regarding motor vehicles.

S.I. No. 279 of 1967.

Imposition of Duties (No. 166) (Customs Duties and Form of Customs Tariff) Order, 1967.

Implementation of certain tariff concessions arising from the Government's accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; elimination of the duties on lignite and coke; conversion of certain minor revenue duties to protective duties; amendment of the licensing provision attached to a number of protective duties.