S.I. No. 2/1952 - Statistics (Census of Production) Order, 1952.

S.I. No. 2 of 1952.


The Taoiseach, in pursuance of the powers conferred on him by subsection (1) of section 16 of the Statistics Act, 1926 (No. 12 of 1926), and the Statistics Acts, 1926 and 1946 (Transfer of Ministerial Functions) Order, 1949 ( S.I. No. 142 of 1949 ), and of every and any other power him in this behalf enabling, hereby orders as follows :—

1. This Order may be cited as the Statistics (Census of Production) Order, 1952.

2. The Interpretation Act, 1937 (No. 38 of 1937), applies to this Order.

3. This Order applies to each of the following undertakings, that is to say, the industries, trades and businesses specified in Part I of the Schedule hereto.

4. Statistics (in this Order referred to as the statistics) relating to the undertakings to which this Order applies shall be collected in the year 1952 of the several matters set out in Part II of the Schedule hereto.

5. The person by whom returns are to be made, and information is to be given, for the purpose of the statistics, in respect of any undertaking to which this Order applies, shall be the person by whom the undertaking is carried on, and to whom a sufficient requisition under Section 8 (1) of the Statistics Act, 1926 , is made.




Food, Drink and Tobacco.

Manufacture of :—Bread, Biscuits and Flour Confectionery ; Sugar Confectionery and Jam ; Sugar ; Preserved Fish, Fruit and Vegetables ; Pickles and Sauces ; Butter, Cheese, Condensed and Dried Milk and Margarine ; Aerated Waters, Cider, Cordials and Cognate Liquors ; Tobacco.

Grain Milling Trade ; Fish Curing Trade ; Bacon Curing, Preserved Meat and Sausage Trades; Brewing Trade ; Malting Trade ; Spirit Distilling and Rectifying of Spirits Trade.


Manufacture of :—Linen and Cotton Goods ; Woollen and Worsted Goods ; Silk, Rayon and Poplin Goods ; Lace and Embroidery ; Hosiery Goods ; Jute and Hemp Goods ; Canvas Goods and Sacks ; Rope, Twine and Nets ; Elastics ; Boot Laces.

Fibre, Horsehair and Feather Trades ; Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing of Textiles (not apparel) Trade.


Manufacture of :—Clothing ; Boots and Shoes ; Corsets ; Underclothing (not Hosiery) ; Hats, Bonnets and Caps ; Umbrellas and Walking Sticks.

Wood and Timber.

Manufacture of :—Furniture ; Cabinetware ; Upholstery ; Baskets and Wicker Work ; Wooden Crates, Boxes, Cases and Trunks.

Timber and Sawmilling Trade ; Coopering Trade.

Metals and Metal Manufactures.

Manufacture of :—Iron and Steel ; Tinplate ; Metals other than Iron and Steel ; Tools and Implements ; Hardware, Hollow-ware and Bedsteads ; Jewellery, Goldsmiths' Ware, Silversmiths' Ware and Electro-plated Ware ; Watches and Clocks ; Optical Goods and Scientific Instruments, Appliances and Apparatus.

Blacksmiths' Trades ; Finished Brass Trades ; Engineering Trade ; Heating, Ventilating and Sanitary Engineering Trades ; the Electrical Engineering Trade.

Assembly, Construction and Repair of Vehicles.

Assembly, Construction and Repair of :—Carriages, Carts and Wagons ; Railway Engines, Carriages and Wagons ; Perambulators ; Motor Vehicles, Motor Cycles and Pedal Cycles ; Manufacture of Parts for Vehicles.

Chemicals, Oils and Paints.

Manufacture of :—Paints, Colours and Varnishes ; Soap and Candles ; Oils, Grease and Tallow ; Vegetable Oils and Fats ; Industrial Alcohol ; Fertilisers and Glue ; Starch, Blue, Ink and Polishes ; Disinfectants, Insecticides and Weedkillers ; Perfumery and Toilet Requisites.

Chemical and Allied Trades ; Seed Crushing and Animal Food Trades ; Explosives.

Paper and Printing.

Paper and Cardboard-box making Trades ; Wallboard ; Wallpaper ; Playing Cards ; Printing and Bookbinding Trades ; Printing and Publication of Newspapers and Periodicals ; Manufactured Stationery Trade ; Electrotyping, Engraving, Process-block Making, etc.

Brick, Cement, Glass, Etc.

Manufacture of :—Monumental Masonry and Building Materials ; Cement ; Bricks and Fireclay Goods ; China and Earthenware Goods ; Glass and Glassware ; Statuary ; Whiting.

Hides, Skins and Leather.

Manufacture of :—Leather ; Saddlery and Harness and other Goods of Leather and Imitation Leather ; Furs.

Fellmongery Trade.

Shipbuilding and Boat Building.

Building and Repairing of Ships and Boats.

Generation and Distribution of Gas and Electricity.

Gas Works Undertakings ; Electricity Undertakings.

Other Industries, Trades and Businesses.

Manufacture of :—Artificial Flowers ; Casein ; Dentures and Denture Bases ; Games, Toys and Sports Requisites ; Musical Instruments ; Wireless Telegraphy Apparatus ; Articles of Horn or Ivory ; Picture Frames and Fancy Goods ; Brushes and Brooms ; Ice ; Matches ; Bakelite Articles ; Floor Coverings (including Linoleum), not of Textile Materials ; Felt Roofing ; Pencils, Crayons, etc. ; Typewriting Requisites ; Rubber Manufactures ; Fibre Attaché and Suit Cases ; Coal Briquettes ; Turf ; Peat Briquettes ; Charcoal ; Kelp ; Combs ; Buttons ; Tobacco Pipes ; Gramophone Records ; Cork Stoppers ; Carrigeen Moss ; Salt ; Tar and Bitumen Products.

Laundry, Cleaning and Dyeing Trades.

Building and Contracting and Road Construction Trades.

Mining and Quarrying Industries.

Waterworks Undertakings.

Railway Undertakings.

Tramway and Light Railway Undertakings.

Canal Undertakings.

Harbours, Docks and Warehouses Undertakings.

Construction and Maintenance of Works by Local and other Public Authorities, including Buildings, Sewerage and Drainage Works, Waterworks, Harbours and Docks, Highways and Bridges and other works of a like nature.


The subject matter of this Part relates (save where the context otherwise requires) to the year 1951.


(A) For industries, trades and businesses in which there were engaged three persons or more (including the proprietors) on the average throughout the year.

No. 1.—Particulars Regarding Establishment.

(a) Name under which establishment is working.

(b) Nature of industry, trade or business.

(c) Location or postal address of place where goods are manufactured or produced. In cases where the same firm or establishment produces goods at different places not situated in the same town, a separate return may be required for each branch.

(d) Particulars as to ownership—whether owned by an individual or individuals, by partners or a Joint Stock Company, etc.

(e) Year in which production in the industry commenced. If the industry, trade or business changed hands during 1951, dates and particulars of such change are required.

No. 2.—Products Manufactured and Work Performed During the Year.

(a) The quantity and value of each of the principal products given separately.

A specification of all other products and their aggregate total value.

(b) The amounts received for contract work on materials provided by others ; amounts received for repairs done for others.

No. 3.—Materials, Etc., Used.

Quantity and cost at the works of all materials used in producing or manufacturing the products of which particulars are required under No. 2 above, or used in all repair work done during the year ; cost of containers and other packing materials sold with the goods.

No. 4.—Fuel, Electricity, Etc., Used During the Year.

Particulars of the quantity and cost at works of the different kinds of fuel, oils and electricity, etc., used during the year are required.

No. 5.—Amounts Paid for Contract Work.

Amounts paid for contract work done by persons other than employees of the establishment, on material furnished by the establishment in connection with the products of which particulars are required under No. 2 above.

No. 6.—Persons Employed.

A.—Number of persons engaged in the industry, trade or business during the week ended 13th October, 1951, or nearest representative date, distinguishing males and females, and those under 18 years of age and those 18 years of age and over.

Administrative, Clerical and Technical Staff.

(a) Proprietors working in the business.

(b) Salaried employees, including managing and other directors working in the business, managers, clerks, typists, store book-keepers, travelling agents, and all other salaried employees.

Wage-earners (not Outside Piece-workers).

(c) Industrial workers at the factory, works, etc. (including foremen).

(d) Storekeepers, packers, messengers, porters, carters, etc.

Wage-earners (Outside Piece-workers).

(e) Where in addition to the above, workers are employed in their own homes, the approximate number employed during the week ended 13th October, 1951.

B.—Total number of wage-earners (not outside piece-workers)—corresponding to (c) and (d) above—actually at work and the aggregate hours actually worked by them during certain specified weeks in 1951 or nearest representative date.

No. 7.—Salaries and Wages Paid and Hours Worked.

(a) Salaries.—Total amount paid during the year to salaried employees, i.e., to such persons of the kind mentioned in No. 6 A (b) (amounts drawn by proprietors of unincorporated concerns working in the business are not to be included).

(b) Wages and Earnings.—Wages paid during the year to wage-earners including outside piece-workers, i.e., to persons of the kind mentioned in No. 6 A (c), (d) and (e), distinguishing payments made to outside piece-workers from payments made to wage-earners who are not outside piece-workers.

(c) Weekly Earnings and Hours Worked.—Total earnings of, and hours actually worked by employees (not outside piece-workers), the number of wage-earners (not outside piece-workers) paid on piece rates in the week ended 13th October, 1951, distinguishing males and females, those under 18 years of age and those 18 years of age and over.

(d) Distribution of Employees by Earnings.—Number of employees (not outside piece-workers) with specified earnings in the week ended 13th October, 1951, or nearest representative date, distinguishing males and females and those under 18 years of age and those 18 years of age and over.

No. 8.—Certain Supplementary Costs of Production.

(a) The amount of charges or costs in the year for employers' contributions to superannuation funds ; payments of pensions other than those paid out of the fund ; employers' contributions to National Health and Unemployment Insurance ; repair and maintenance by outside contractors on buildings, plant, machinery and other fixed capital assets, including vehicles ; rent ; rates.

(b) The Poor Law Valuation of all buildings and land used for manufacturing purposes.

No. 9.—Stocks and Work in Progress.

The value at the beginning and end of year of (a) stocks of materials of all kinds, (b) work in progress and (c) stocks of finished goods ready for sale.

No. 10.—Power Equipment.

(a) Capacity of prime movers and generators installed on 13th October, 1951, and in reserve or idle during the week ended 13th October, 1951.

(i) Horse-power of steam engines and turbines and other prime movers (excluding internal combustion engines), distinguishing between those driving generators and those not driving generators.

(ii) Brake horse power of internal combustion engines, distinguishing between those driving generators and those not driving generators.

(iii) Kilowatt capacity of generators.

(b) Rated horse-power of electric motors installed on 13th October, 1951, and in reserve or idle during the week ended 13th October, 1951.

No. 11.—Changes in Fixed Capital Assets During the Year.

(a) Increases in Fixed Capital Assets.

(i) Cost of purchased plant and machinery installed and vehicles purchased.

(ii) Value of plant and machinery made and installed by firm's own workers.

(iii) Cost of new buildings (including extensions or substantial alterations) erected for firm's use.

(iv) Cost of buildings (other than those at (iii) ) purchased.

(v) Cost of land and other fixed assets acquired.

(b) Decreases in Fixed Capital Assets during the year.

Value of sales of plant and machinery, vehicles, land and buildings.

(B) For industries, trades and businesses in which there were engaged fewer than three persons (including the proprietors) on the average throughout the year.

No. 1.—Description of business.

No. 2.—Value of goods made and charges made for work done on customers' own materials and for repair work done during the year.

No. 3.—Cost of materials including ingredients, fuel, oil, gas, electricity, containers and other packing materials sold with the goods of which particulars are required under No. 2 above.

No. 4.—Persons engaged and wages and salaries paid.

(a) Persons engaged in the business during the week ended 13th October, 1951.

(i)Proprietors working in the business.

(ii) Members of Proprietor's family working in the business if paid no definite wage or salary for their work.

(iii) Paid employees working in the business, including relations paid a definite wage or salary.

(b) Wages and salaries paid during the year.

GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Taoiseach, this 3rd day of January, 1952.

