Unemployment Insurance Act, 1945

Provisions enabling certain discharged members of the Defence Forces to qualify for unemployment benefit.

2.—(1) Every discharged member of the Defence Forces to whom this section applies shall, for the purposes of the provisions of the Acts relating to the rights of an insured contributor with respect to unemployment benefit but for no other purpose—

(a) in case he was discharged before, and was not rendering service on, the operative date, be treated as though he were an insured contributor in respect of whom a number of contributions equal to the number of weeks during which he rendered service as such member after the 2nd day of September, 1939, had been paid on the operative date,

(b) in case he is discharged on or after the operative date, be treated as though he were on the date of such discharge an insured contributor in respect of whom a number of contributions equal to the number of weeks during which he rendered service as such member after the 2nd day of September, 1939 (excluding any such week which was previously taken into account under paragraph (a) of this subsection or this paragraph) had been paid on the date of such discharge.

(2) There shall be paid into the Unemployment Fund out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, by way of employers' and employed persons' contributions, such sums as will, in the opinion of the Minister for Finance, be sufficient to enable discharged members of the Defence Forces to whom this section applies to be treated in the manner provided by subsection (1) of this section.

(3) The sums to be paid under subsection (2) of this section into the Unemployment Fund shall be calculated in such manner as the Minister for Finance may direct and shall be paid in such manner and at such dates as may be agreed upon by the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Industry and Commerce.

(4) This section applies to every member of the Defence Forces (other than a member of the Defence Forces to whom section 3 of this Act applies) who is discharged at any time after the 2nd day of September, 1939.