Mental Treatment Act, 1945

Grounds for removal of private institution from register.

121.—The following (and no other) shall be the grounds for removing a private institution from the register:—

(a) that the person carrying on the institution is not a fit person to carry on the institution,

(b) that the Minister is satisfied that the person in charge of the institution is not a fit person for that position,

(c) that the Minister is satisfied that the person in charge of the institution does not reside therein,

(d) that the Minister is satisfied that the premises of the institution or the situation, staff, or equipment thereof have become unsuitable having regard to the use to which they are put,

(e) that the Minister is satisfied that the person or persons of unsound mind taken care of in the institution are not under the observation of a registered medical practitioner approved of by the Minister,

(f) that the Minister is satisfied that the care or treatment afforded to such person or persons has been inadequate,

(g) that the Minister is satisfied that the food given to such person or persons has been unsuitable or inadequate,

(h) where a governing body manages the institution, that the Minister is satisfied that any of the members thereof is disqualified for his membership,

(i) that there has been a conviction in relation to the institution of any offence under this Act.