Conditions of Employment Act, 1936

Display of abstract and notices.

53.—(1) Every employer who employs any worker to do industrial work on any premises where an industrial undertaking is carried on shall display at the entrance to such premises and in such other places as an inspector shall for the time being direct in such a position that it may be easily read by persons so employed on such premises—

(a) the prescribed abstract of this Act,

(b) notice in the prescribed form of the hours of work for workers doing such industrial work,

(c) a notice stating the days in the current year which are for the time being public holidays for the purposes of this Act in respect of such industrial undertaking, and

(d) where any industrial work is carried on by continuous process shift work or by licensed shift work, a list of all persons so carrying on such industrial work and particulars as to the shifts on which they are working, and

(e) a notice of the clock by which the period of employment and times for meals are regulated in such industrial undertaking, and

(f) notice of every agreement registered in the Wages Agreements Register which affects any workers doing industrial work on such premises.

(2) Every employer who is by this section required to display any notice, list or abstract shall display such notice, list or abstract in both the Irish and English languages.

(3) If any employer fails to comply with the requirements of this section he shall be guilty of an offence under this section.