Irish Universities Act, 1908

Statutes fos universities and colleges.

4.(1) The statutes for the general government of the new universities and the constituent colleges of the new university having its seat at Dublin shall be made in the first instance, as respects the statutes of the new university having its seat at Dublin and the constituent colleges thereof, by the Dublin Commissioners appointed under this Act, and as respects the new university having its seat at Belfast by the Belfast Commissioners appointed under this Act, and, after the powers of these commissioners determine, by the governing bodies of the universities and colleges.

(2) The commissioners, in framing statutes under this section, shall take into consideration any representations made to them by the governing bodies of the new universities or of the constituent colleges of the new university having its seat at Dublin, as respects the statutes for those universities and colleges respectively, or by any person appearing to the commissioners to be interested in the making of those statutes or any of them.

(3) Statutes made under this section may regulate any matter relating to the government of the university or college (including the appointment and remuneration of officers) or otherwise concerning the university or college so far as that matter is not regulated under this Act or by the charter of the university or college.