Dublin Carriage Act, 1853

No Person to let to Hire any unlicensed Carriage, &c.

Penalty on keeping for Use, or letting to Hire, any Hackney, &c. Carriage, Cart, or Job Horse, without Licence.

XXV. It shall not be lawful for any Person to use or let to Hire any Hackney Carriage, Job Carriage, Stage Carriage, Cart, or Job Horse, at any Place within the Limits of this Act, unless such Person shall have a Licence in force for the same under the Hands or Hand of the said Commissioners or One of them, nor unless there shall be fixed on such Carriage and Cart, and upon the Harness of every such Job Horse respectively, in such Place and Manner as the said Commissioners shall in relation thereto respectively from Time to Time order and direct, the Dublin Plate belonging to or corresponding with every such Licence respectively, and likewise all and every such other Plates, Labels, and Marks as the said Commissioners shall think proper to be fixed, painted, or marked thereon, pursuant to the Provisions herein after in that Behalf contained; and if any Person shall use or let to Hire, or shall be concerned, as Proprietor or Part Proprietor, in using or letting to Hire, at any Place within the Limits of this Act, any Hackney Carriage, Job Carriage, Stage Carriage, Cart, or any Job Horse, without having a Licence in force for the same or without having paid the annual Duty for such Licence, in manner as by this Act provided, or without having such Plate fixed as aforesaid, such Person shall forfeit as a Penalty for every such Offence a Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds for every Carriage, Cart, or Horse so used or let to Hire as aforesaid: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall interfere with the Power herein-before given to the said Commissioners, at their Discretion, to grant a written or printed Permission to any Person to use or ply for Hire any Carriage, Cart, or Horse without a Dublin Plate being affixed thereto, where such Permission shall be deemed necessary by the said Commissioners: Provided also, that it shall not be necessary in any Case where any Carriage, and Horse or Horses, are used or let for Hire, that there shall be a Licence for such Carriage or for such Horse or Horses separate and distinct from each other respectively, but that One Licence shall be deemed sufficient to authorize the using and letting for Hire of any such Carriage and Horse or Horses.