County Dublin Grand Jury Act, 1844

No presentment for raising money to be made by grand jury of county of Dublin, except at Easter term.

Grand jurors oath.

2. It shall not be lawful for any grand jury of the county of Dublin to present, or for the judges or justices of any court to allow any presentments, for the raising or levying any money off the county of Dublin at large, or off any barony within the said county, except at Easter term in every year; and such Easter term shall be designated the presenting term for the county of Dublin; and on the first day of every such term the clerk of the crown in open court shall administer to each of the grand jurors to be impannelled the oath following; (that is to say,)

‘You shall diligently inquire, on behalf of the county of Dublin, and true presentment make, of all such matters and things as shall be lawfully given to you in charge, or as shall come before you in anywise relating to the raising of any money upon the said county of Dublin, or upon any barony, half barony, district, or parish therein, or relating to the expenditure of any such money: You shall not present, nor allow, nor disallow, any matter or thing, through hatred, malice, or ill-will, nor through fear, favour, affection, nor reward.

So help you GOD’.