Superannuation Act, 1834

Account of public offices, salaries, pensions, and allowances, and of increase and diminution thereof, to be annually laid before Parliament.

22. Between the first day of February and the twenty-fifth day of March in every year, or if Parliament shall not be sitting during any part of that period, then within twenty days after the next meeting of Parliament, there shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament an account of every increase and diminution which shall have taken place within the preceding year, ending on the thirty-first day of December, in the number of persons employed in all public offices or departments under the crown, and in the salaries, emoluments, allowances, and expenses which shall have taken place or been paid, granted, received, or incurred for and in respect of all officers and persons belonging to or employed in all such public offices or departments, specifying the amount and nature thereof, and distinguishing every increase and diminution in the amount of all allowances or compensations granted as retired allowances or superannuations to any person having held any office, place, or employment in any such public office or department, and also the time and length of service of every such person, and the amount of the salary and emoluments received by such person immediately preceding his superannuation or retirement, and the nature of his services, and the grounds upon which such increase or diminution in the establishment of every such public office or department, or of any such salary, emolument, allowance, compensation, or superannuation, shall have been granted or made; and also specifying the name of every person receiving such allowance or compensation who may have died in the course of the year, together with the amount of the annual allowance payable to such person.