Aviation Regulation Act, 2001

Regulatory objectives in respect of airport charges.

33.—In making a determination the Commission shall aim to facilitate the development and operation of cost-effective airports which meet the requirements of users and shall have due regard to—

(a) the level of investment in airport facilities at an airport to which the determination relates, in line with safety requirements and commercial operations in order to meet current and prospective needs of those on whom the airport charges may be levied,

(b) a reasonable rate of return on capital employed in that investment, in the context of the sustainable and profitable operation of the airport,

(c) the efficient and effective use of all resources by the airport authority,

(d) the contribution of the airport to the region in which it is located,

(e) the level of income of the airport authority from airport charges at the airport and other revenue earned by the authority at the regulated airports or elsewhere,

(f) operating and other costs incurred by the airport authority at the airport,

(g) the level and quality of services offered at the airport by the airport authority and the reasonable interests of the users of these services,

(h) the cost competitiveness and operational efficiency of airport services at the airport with respect to international practice,

(i) imposing the minimum restrictions on the airport authority consistent with the functions of the Commission, and

(j) such national and international obligations as are relevant to its functions.