Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 1992

Submissions or observations by other parties.

7.—(1) The Board shall, as soon as may be after receipt of an appeal, give a copy thereof to each other party.

(2) (a) Each other party may make submissions or observations in writing to the Board in relation to the appeal within a period of one month beginning on the day on which a copy of the appeal is sent to that party by the Board.

(b) Any submissions or observations received by the Board after the expiration of the period mentioned in paragraph (a) shall not be considered by the Board.

(3) Where no submissions or observations have been received from a party within the period mentioned in subsection (2), the Board may without further notice to that party determine the appeal.

(4) Without prejudice to section 9 , a party shall not be entitled to elaborate in writing upon any submissions or observations made in accordance with subsection (2) or make any further submissions or observations in writing in relation to the appeal and any such elaboration, submissions or observations that is or are received by the Board shall not be considered by it.