Boyne Navigation Act 1790



An Act to explain and amend an Act pussed in the Twenty-ninth Year of His Majefly’s Reign, Entitled, An Act for the Promotion and Encouragement of Inland Navigation, to far only as respects the Navigation of the Baylie.

Recital 29 G, 3.

persons herein deserihed, complying, after June. 1790, with terms, &c. preferihed by said act;

they and their assigns entitled to all benefits, privileges, privileges, sec. as by said act.

WHEREAS by an act of parliament passed in the twenty-ninth year of his present Majefty’s reign, entitled, An act for the promotion and encouragement of inland navigation; it was among other things enacted, That debentures to the amount of twelve thousand five hundred pounds, bearing an interest after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum, should be issued to such persons as then were, or should be undertakers for completing a navigation from Drogheda to Trim, pursuant to their petition presented to the house of commons in the then session of parliament, and that no such subscribers or undertakers respectively, as in the said act of parliament mentioned, should be entitled to any such debenture, or to any benefit whatsoever, under the said act, who should not have deposited with the governor and company of the bank of Ireland, one-tenth part of their respective subscriptions or government securities for such tenth part, or any proportion of the same, such subscriptions respectively being double the sum for which such subscribers or undertakers respectively, were by the said act entitled to receive debentures, and that such deposits should be made by such subscribers or undertakers respectively, within fix months after the twenty-fourth day of June, then next subject to certain provinces and conditions in the said act mentioned, and set forth: and whereas it was by the said act provided and enacted, That nothing therein contained, should extend, or be construed to extend, to vest in such subscribers and undertakers respectively, the property in such parts of the navigations in the said act mentioned, as had been open from the sea upwards before the pathing of the said act, unless the approbation of the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor or governors of this kingdom for the time being, should have been first obtained: therefore be it enacted by the king’s most excellent Majefly, by and with the advice and content of the lords spiritual and temporal, and commons in parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That in case the persons who in the last session of parliament presented the said petition to the house of commons for aid towards carrying on and completing the said work, or any of them, by themselves, or jointly with others, shall within such times respectively after the twenty-fourth day of June next ensuing the passing of this act, as are in the said recited act mentioned in respect to the twenty-fourth of June then next, comply with and periorm the several terms and conditions in the said act mentioned, they and their assigns shall be entitled to, and have, receive, and enjoy all and every such aid, bounty, benefits, privileges, and advantages, as they would have been entitled to if they had complied with and performed the terms and conditions in the said act in that behalf mentioned and contained.