Oil Emergency Contingency and Transfer of Renewable Transport Fuels Functions Act 2023

Regulations and orders - Minister for Transport

18. The Act of 2007 is amended by the insertion of the following section after section 58:

“58A. (1) The Minister for Transport may make regulations—

(a) for any purpose in relation to which regulations are provided for in sections 44D, 44E, 44G, 44GA, 44J and 44X, and

(b) for prescribing any matter or thing referred to in sections 44D, 44E, 44G, 44GA, 44J and 44X as prescribed or to be prescribed.

(2) The Minister for Transport may make orders for any matter in relation to which orders are provided for in sections 44D, 44E, 44G, 44GA and 44J.”.