Digital Hub Development Agency Act 2003

Development plan.

9.—(1) The Agency shall, as soon as may be after its establishment, prepare a plan for the strategic development (“development plan”) for the digital hub.

(2) The development plan shall consist of a written statement and a plan indicating the objectives for the development of the digital hub, including inter alia

(a) acquisition of suitable property to provide physical space for digital enterprises and related activities,

(b) management and refurbishment of property,

(c) disposal of property,

(d) a strategy for educational provision, particularly for digital arts and technology, including linkages with first and second level schools, with further education and with third level institutions engaged in digital content projects,

(e) the setting of a budget for the plan and a strategy for its delivery within the set budget,

(f) the setting of indicative targets for the numbers to be employed in digital content enterprises within the digital hub.

(3) In preparing a draft of the development plan, the Agency shall-

(a) have regard to Dublin City Council's integrated area plan for the Liberties and Coombe area and Dublin City Council's Development Plan,

(b) consult with Dublin City Council, relevant Departments of State, Enterprise Ireland, IDA, other relevant bodies established by or under statute and interested relevant third parties,

(c) make arrangements for the making of submissions by interested parties in relation to the draft and the consideration by the Agency of any such submissions, and

(d) comply with any general directive that may be given to it by the Minister under section 12 .

(4) Before a development plan is adopted, the Agency shall—

(a) publish in one or more newspapers circulating in the digital hub and on a web site notice—

(i) stating that a draft development plan has been prepared and that it will be considered for adoption by the Agency,

(ii) indicating the times at which, the period (which shall be not less than one month) during which and the place where a copy of the draft development plan may be inspected,

(iii) indicating where a copy of the draft development plan may be obtained and specifying the fee (if any) for such copy (which shall be not more than the reasonable cost of making such copy), and

(iv) stating that submissions or observations may be made in writing to the Agency in relation to the draft development plan before a specified date (which shall be not less than two weeks after the end of the period for inspection),


(b) consider any submissions or observations made to it under this subsection and not withdrawn and made such amendments or modifications (if any) to the draft development plan as it considers appropriate.

(5) Dublin City Council and An Bord Pleanála shall, in deciding any application or in determining any application on appeal for permission under Part III of the Planning and Development Act 2000 in respect of development in the digital hub area, consider anything relevant contained in the development plan.

(6) Every act done by or on behalf of Digital Media Development Limited before and in anticipation of the establishment day in respect of this section shall have and be deemed always to have had all such (if any) validity and effect as it would have had if this section had been in force when such act was done, and as if the act had been done, by or on behalf of the Agency.