Air Navigation and Transport (Indemnities) Act, 2001

Minister not obliged to issue indemnity.

12.—(1) Nothing in this Act shall oblige the Minister to grant or renew a Ministerial indemnity to an air navigation undertaking.

(2) The Minister, at his or her discretion, may grant or renew a Ministerial indemnity in respect of part of the liability for which the applicant has sought the issue or renewal of the Ministerial indemnity.

(3) The Minister, at his or her discretion, may issue or renew a Ministerial indemnity in respect of only part of the operations of the air navigation undertaking concerned.

(4) No liability shall attach to the Minister or the State in respect of or arising from the refusal to grant or renew a Ministerial indemnity or any reasonable delay on the part of the Minister relating to the grant or renewal of a Ministerial indemnity.