The Altamont (Amendment of Deed of Trust) Act, 1993


1.—In this Act unless the context otherwise requires—

the Indenture of Conveyance in Trust” means the said Indenture of Conveyance in Trust of the 3rd day of October, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Three made between the Honourable Jeremy Ulick Browne Altamont (under his then name Jeremy Ulick Browne) commonly called Lord Altamont of the One Part and Richard Michael Ritchie and Anthony Gosselin Trower of the Other Part;

the Trustees” means the original and present Trustees of the Indenture of Conveyance in Trust and their successors and assigns;

the Settlor” means the Honourable Jeremy Ulick Browne Altamont commonly called Lord Altamont.