Decimal Currency Act, 1970

Supplementary power to amend references to shillings and pence in statutes and statutory instruments.

10.—(1) Where a statute or statutory instrument passed or made before decimal day contains a reference to an amount of money in the old currency which is not a whole number of pounds, the Minister for Finance, or any other Minister of State with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may by order—

(a) if the equivalent of that amount in the new currency is not a new penny or a multiple thereof, substitute for that reference a reference to such amount in the new currency as in his opinion is the appropriate multiple of a new halfpenny (or, if the case so requires, a reference to a new halfpenny),

(b) make such other amendment in that statute or statutory instrument as in his opinion is appropriate for securing either that any amount payable thereunder by virtue of that reference will be a new halfpenny or a multiple thereof or that any such amount will be a new penny or a multiple thereof,

(c) if that reference is part of a rate, percentage, proportion, formula or other basis of calculation, make such amendment in the statute or statutory instrument as in his opinion is appropriate for securing that the basis of calculation is expressed in the new currency and in convenient terms.

(2) An order under this section—

(a) may include such consequential, supplementary and transitional provisions as the Minister making the order thinks fit,

(b) may be revoked or amended by a subsequent order.

(3) An order under this section shall not come into operation before decimal day.

(4) No order altering the rate of any tax shall be made under this section.

(5) The amendment of any provision by an order under this section shall not prejudice any power to amend or vary that provision conferred otherwise by this section.