Flour and Wheatenmeal Act, 1956


Regulation and Control.

Production of flour and wheatenmeal.

6.—(1) All flour produced at a licensed mill, except flour produced in accordance with a permit, shall be straight-run flour.

(2) All wheatenmeal produced at a licensed mill, except wheatenmeal produced in accordance with a permit, shall be standard wheatenmeal.

(3) All flour or wheatenmeal produced at a permitted mill, except flour or wheatenmeal produced in accordance with a permit, shall be composed of not less than the prescribed percentage of the wheat from which it is produced.

(4) The Minister may prescribe the proportions of home-grown wheat and imported wheat of which millers' grist is to be composed for the production of flour or wheatenmeal and, in such case, all flour or wheatenmeal produced at a licensed mill, except flour or wheatenmeal produced in accordance with a permit, shall be derived from the milling of a grist containing not less than the prescribed proportion of home-grown wheat.

(5) Every person who is the holder of a milling licence or a milling (home-grown wheat) permit in respect of a mill shall ensure that this section is complied with in respect of the mill.