Red Cross Act, 1954

Amendment of primary objects of the Society.

4.—(1) The primary objects of the Society are hereby declared to be—

(a) to furnish volunteer aid to the sick, wounded and shipwrecked at sea of armed forces in time of war,

(b) to furnish relief to prisoners of war and to such civilians as are protected persons,

(c) in time of peace or war to carry on and assist in work for the improvement of health, the prevention of disease and the mitigation of suffering throughout the world.

(2) In subsection (1) of this section—

(a) the reference to sick, wounded and shipwrecked at sea of armed forces is to—

(i) wounded and sick within the meaning of the Wounded and Sick Convention, and

(ii) wounded, sick and shipwrecked at sea within the meaning of the Maritime Convention,

(b) the reference to prisoners of war is to prisoners of war within the meaning of the Prisoners of War Convention,

(c) the reference to protected persons is to protected persons within the meaning of the Civilians Convention.

(3) The primary objects declared by this section are in substitution for the primary objects declared under section 1 of the Principal Act.