Local Authorities (Education Scholarships) Act, 1944

Amendment of schemes.

3.—(1) Whenever the corporation of a county borough or the council of a county has determined to carry into execution a scheme approved of by the Minister under this Act, it shall be lawful for such corporation or council, either before or after the execution of such scheme has been begun, to alter (by addition, omission, or variation) any provision of such scheme subject to the following restrictions, that is to say:—

(a) no such alteration shall be made without the previous approval of the Minister, and

(b) such scheme shall not be so altered that it contravenes the provisions of this Act.

(2) The Minister may attach to his approval under this section of an alteration of a scheme such (if any) conditions as he shall think proper, and if he does so attach any such condition, the corporation or council carrying such scheme into operation shall observe and comply with such condition.