Insurance Act, 1936



STATEMENT of the estimated liability in respect of outstanding claims arising in the year of account, and in the preceding year or years; computed as at the end of the year in which the claims arose, and as at the end of the year of account; with particulars as to the number and amount of the claims actually paid in the intervening period.

I. Claims arising during the year of account ending _________ 19_________

(a) Particulars as to claims arising and settled during the year of account.

Total Amount Paid

Class of Claim

No. of Claims

By Sums Insured

By Costs and expenses

Total of columns (3) and (4)









(i) Third Party

(ii) All other claims


Notes.—1. All claims arising under one policy and out of a single occurrence shall be treated as one claim for the purposes of this Schedule.

2. Under the headings “By costs and expenses” (column (4) of the above Form) and “Total of columns (3) and (4)” (column (5) of the above Form) the amounts need not be segregated in each of the said headings in the said columns (4) and (5) as between—(i) third party claims, and (ii) all other claims.

(b) Particulars as to claims arising during and outstanding at the end of the year of account.

Amount paid during Year of Account

Estimated Liability

Class of Claim

No. of Claims

By sums insured

By costs and expenses

By sums insured

By costs and expenses

Total of columns (3) to (6)













(i) Third Party

(ii) All other claims.


Notes.—1. All claims arising under one policy and out of a single occurrence shall be treated as one claim for the purposes of this Schedule.

2. Under the headings “By costs and expenses” (columns (4) and (6) of the above Form) and “Total of columns (3) to (6)” (column (7) of the above Form) the amounts need not be segregated under each of the said headings in the said columns (4), (6) and (7) as between—(i) third party claims, and (ii) all other claims.

II. Outstanding claims arising during the first year preceding the year of account, ending ______________ 19______

Estimated liability in respect of claims outstanding as at above date

Claims paid during the period of one year between the above date and the end of the year of account

Estimated liability in respect of claims outstanding as at the end of year of account

Class of Claim

Terminated within such period

Not terminated within such period

Total of columns (6), (7), (9), (10), (12) and (13)


By sums insured

By costs and expenses


By sums insured

By costs and expenses


By sums insured

By costs and expenses


By sums insured

By costs and expenses
























(i) Third party

(ii) All other claims


Notes.—1. If there are claims outstanding which arose during the second year preceding the year of account, or earlier, particulars are to be furnished on a form similar to this Form II.

2. All claims arising under one policy and out of a single occurrence shall be treated as one claim for the purposes of this Schedule.

3. Under the headings “By costs and expenses” (columns (4), (7), (10), and (13) of the above Form) and “Total of columns (6), (7), (9), (10), (12),. and (13)” (column (14) of the above Form) the amounts need not be segregated under each of the said headings in the said columns (4), (7), (10), and (13) as between—(i) third party claims, and (ii) all other claims.

III. Summary of estimated liability in respect of claims outstanding as at the end of the year of account.

As per Statement I (b)


   ”                  ”                    II


   ”     further schedules in the form of Statement II (if required)


Total estimated liability in respect of outstanding claims as at the end of the year of account


Total payments during year of account


Total claims paid and outstanding as shown in revenue account
