National Maternity Hospital, Dublin (Charter Amendment) Act, 1936

Meetings of executive committee.

15.—(1) The executive committee shall meet once in every month at the hospital or other convenient place on such day as shall be determined by the executive committee and other and special meetings of the executive committee may and shall be convened and held on the requisition of the master or the honorary secretary or on the requisition of any three members thereof. At every meeting of the executive committee five members thereof shall constitute a quorum. Questions arising at any meeting of the executive committee shall be decided by a majority of votes of those present and voting and in the event of an equality of votes the chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

(2) At every meeting of the executive committee the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin for the time being shall be the chairman thereof or in his absence the Lord Mayor of Dublin for the time being or in the absence of both such one of their members as the executive committee shall have elected at their first meeting in every year to be the deputy chairman thereof. In the absence of all the aforesaid three persons the governors present shall elect one of their number to be chairman of the meeting and in the event of two or more governors receiving an equal number of votes the question as to which of them is to be chairman shall be decided by lot.