Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act, 1934


Penalties for Certain Offences.

Part I.

In the case of a first offence under the relevant section, a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, or, in the case of a second or any subsequent such offence, a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty pounds or at the discretion of the Court imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months or both such fine and imprisonment.

Part II.

In the case of a first offence under the relevant section, a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, or in the case of a second or any subsequent such offence, a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or at the discretion of the Court imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months or both such fine and imprisonment.

Part III.

In the case of a first offence under the relevant section, a fine not exceeding twenty-five pounds, or, in the case of a second or any subsequent such offence, a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.