Dentists Act, 1928

Casual vacancies in the Board.

6.—(1) Whenever a vacancy (in this Act called a casual vacancy) occurs in the membership of the Board by reason of the death, resignation, or disqualification of a nominated member, the Board shall forthwith notify the body by which such member was nominated of the occurrence of such vacancy and such body shall as soon as conveniently may be nominate a person to fill such vacancy.

(2) Whenever a vacancy (in this Act called a casual vacancy) occurs in the membership of the Board by reason of the death, resignation, or disqualification of an elected member, the Board shall at its next meeting but one after the occurrence of such vacancy elect a person to fill such vacancy.

(3) Every person nominated or elected under this section to fill a casual vacancy shall be nominated or elected from the class of persons (if any) from which the member whose death, resignation, or disqualification occasioned such vacancy was required to be nominated or elected.