Arterial Drainage Act, 1925

Disposal of lands, etc., acquired under drainage schemes.

20.—(1) When preparing the draft award the Commissioners shall inquire and determine whether any and if so what lands, premises, easements, water-rights, and other rights acquired by them pursuant to the drainage scheme are unnecessary and not required for the drainage works or the proper maintenance and working thereof.

(2) The final award shall operate and be expressed to vest in the county council thereby charged with the duty of maintaining the drainage works, or, where two or more such county councils are so charged, in such county councils jointly the drainage works executed by the Commissioners pursuant to the drainage scheme together with all lands, premises, easements, water-rights, and other rights acquired by the Commissioners pursuant to the drainage scheme other than any such lands, premises, easements, water-rights, and other rights determined by the Commissioners under this section to be unnecessary and not required as aforesaid.

(3) All such lands, premises, easements, water-rights, and other rights so determined by the Commissioners to be unnecessary and not required as aforesaid shall be sold or otherwise disposed by the Commissioners for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall appoint.