Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893

Annual returns.

14.(1) Every registered society shall once in every year, not later than the thirty-first day of March, send to the registrar an annual return of the receipts and expenditure, funds and effects, of the society as audited.

(2) The annual return—

(a) shall be signed by the auditor or auditors; and

(b) shall show separately the expenditure in respect of the several objects of the society; and

(c) shall be made out from the date of its registration or last annual return to that of its last published balance sheet, provided that the last-named date is not more than one month before or after the thirty-first of December then last, or otherwise to the said day of December inclusive; and

(d) shall state whether the audit has been conducted by a public auditor appointed as by this Act is provided, and by whom, and, if by any persons other than a public auditor, shall state the name, address, and calling or profession of every such person, and the manner in which, and the authority under which, he is appointed.

The society shall, together with the annual return, send a copy of the report of the auditors, or, if more than one such report has been made during the period included in the return, a copy of each of such reports.