Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890

Application of part of Act in rural districts.

50. The following provisions of this part of this Act shall be applicable in rural sanitary districts, namely,—

Section sixteen, relating to injurious matter being passed into sewers.

Section seventeen, relating to the turning of chemical refuse, steam, &c. into sewers.

Section eighteen, relating to local authorities making communication with drains, &c.

Section nineteen, relating to the extension of section forty-one of the Public Health Act, 1875.

Section twenty-one, relating to sanitary conveniences used in common.

So much of section twenty-three relating to the extension of section one hundred and fifty-seven of the Public Health Act, 1875, as applies to rural authorities.

Section twenty-five, relating to the penalty for erecting buildings on ground filled up with offensive matter.

Subsection (2) of section twenty-six, relating to the power to make byelaws for certain sanitary purposes.

Section twenty-eight, relating to the extension of sections one hundred and sixteen to one hundred and nineteen inclusive of the Public Health Act, 1875.

Section thirty-two, relating to the extension of section eighty-four of the Public Health Act, 1875.

Section thirty-three, relating to the use of buildings described in deposited plans otherwise than dwelling-houses.

Section forty-seven, relating to the restriction on throwing cinders, &c. into streams.

Section forty-eight, relating to the extension of section three hundred and six of the Public Health Act, 1875.

Section forty-nine, relating to the powers of the Local Government Board to determine expenses of rural authorities to be special expenses.