Arrears of Rent (Ireland) Act, 1882

Power of guardians to borrow for emigration.

12 & 13 Vict. c. 104.

18. The board of guardians of any union in Ireland are authorised to borrow money for the purpose of defraying or assisting to defray the expenses of the emigration of poor persons resident within their union, or any electoral division thereof, in manner provided by the Poor Relief (Ireland) Act, 1849, as amended by subsequent Acts, subject to the following modifications; (that is to say),

(1.) The provisions of the said Act in relation to the repayment of the advance by annual instalments shall not apply;

(2.) The advances may be made by the Commissioners of Public Works out of any moneys granted to them for the purpose of loans in place of the Public Works Loans Commissioners;

(3.) Every such advance made by the Commissioners of Public Works shall bear interest at the rate of three-and-a-half per centum per annum, or at such other rate as the Treasury may from time to time fix, in order to enable the advance to be made without loss to the Exchequer:

(4.) Every such advance made by the Commissioners of Public Works, and the interest thereon, shall be repaid within such period from the date of the advance, not being less than fifteen years nor more than thirty years, as the Treasury may from time to time fix.