General Prisons (Ireland) Act, 1877

Conditions as to rules made under this Act.

57. The following conditions shall apply to the rules and special rules to be made by the Lord Lieutenant, or by the General Prisons Board, under the authority of this Act:

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(b.) Any rule made in manner aforesaid respecting matters relating to finance or to account shall, before receiving the approval of the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, be submitted to and approved by the Treasury:

(c.) All such rules and special rules shall be forthwith laid in a complete form, after the same shall have been settled and approved by the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, before both Houses of Parliament, if Parliament be sitting, or if not, then within three weeks after the beginning of the next ensuing session of Parliament; and if any such rules shall be disapproved by either House of Parliament within forty days after the same shall have been so laid before Parliament, such rules, or such part thereof as shall be so disapproved of, shall be void and have no effect: or operation until the same shall have been laid before Parliament for forty days.

All such rules and special rules not disapproved in manner aforesaid shall be published in the Dublin Gazette, and the production of a printed copy of the Dublin Gazette, purporting to be printed and published by the Queen's authority, and containing the publication of such rules, shall be conclusive evidence of the making of such rules. A copy of the rules shall be posted in some conspicuous place in every prison to which the same relate, and, so long as the same shall continue in force, shall be of the same validity as if enacted by this Act. The rules and byelaws of every prison existing at the time of the passing of this Act shall continue in force unless and so far as the same shall not be altered or repealed in manner aforesaid.