Customs Consolidation Act, 1876

If goods remain on board importing ship beyond fourteen days, such ship may be detained for expenses.

75. Whenever any goods shall remain on board any importing ship beyond the period of fourteen days after the arrival of such ship, or beyond such further period as the Commissioners of Customs may allow, such ship shall be detained by the proper officer of Customs until all expenses of watching or guarding such goods beyond such fourteen days, or such further time, if any, allowed as aforesaid, not exceeding five shillings per diem, and of removing the goods, or any of them, to the Queen's warehouse, in case the officers shall so remove them, be paid, and the like charge per diem shall be made in respect of any derelict or other ship coming, driven, or brought into the United Kingdom under legal process, by stress of weather, or for safety, when it is necessary to station any officer of Customs in charge, either on board thereof or otherwise, for the protection of the revenue, so long as the officer shall so remain.

Unshipping, landing, and examination.

As to the unshipping, landing, examination, warehousing, and custody of goods.