Public House (Ireland) Act, 1855

Transfers within Dublin Metropolis to be made by Police magistrates.

2. Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to empower any justices at petty sessions to make any such transfer as aforesaid within any of the divisions assigned or to be assigned to any of the police courts already established or to be established within the district of Dublin Metropolis, but that any such application as is herein-before authorized to be made at petty sessions shall, when the licensed house and premises shall be situated within any of the said divisions of the police district of Dublin Metropolis, be made to one of the police magistrates sitting at any of the said courts, and such magistrate shall, in his discretion, make any such transfer as aforesaid, in the manner and for the time herein-before mentioned: Provided also, that any person who shall be authorized under the provisions of this Act to continue to carry on the business of a licensed victualler shall, after the obtaining such authority, and so long as the same shall continue in force, be subject to all the powers, regulations, proceedings, penalties, and provisions declared by or contained in any Act or Acts in force touching the regulation, government, or control of licensed keepers of inns; alehouses, and victualling houses, in like manner as if the same had been repeated and re-enacted in this Act; and that all penalties and forfeitures imposed by any such Act or Acts shall be applied as directed by the same respectively.