Wedding Rings Act, 1855

Certain Companies, &c. authorized to assay and mark Gold Wares indemnified.

III. ‘And whereas since the coming into operation of the said recited Act certain of the Companies and Corporations authorized to assay and mark Gold Wares have assayed and marked divers Gold Rings of the Standards required by Law before the passing of the said recited Act, and have upon such a saying and marking by their Officers and Servants demanded and received, for the Use of Her Majesty, the same Duty as was payable to Her Majesty in respect of the like Gold Rings when assayed and marked before the passing of the said recited Act: And whereas Doubts have been entertained whether such Demands and Receipts of such Duty were lawful:’ Be it enacted, That all such Demands and Receipts of such Duty shall be deemed and taken to have been lawful, notwithstanding the said recited Act, and that none of the said Companies or Corporations, or of their Officers or Servants, shall be liable to any Action, Suit, or other Proceeding by reason or on account of any such Demand or Receipt as aforesaid.