Tithe Rentcharge (Ireland) Act 1838

Persons liable to Payment of Instalments may apply for Remission by Memorial to the Lord Lieutenant, who may refer the same for Investigation, and upon Report thereof remit the whole or Part thereof.

III. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for any Person liable to the Payment of any of the said Instalments now due and unpaid, or who may be liable to the Payment of any Instalment which shall become due on the First Day of November in this present Year, to apply by Memorial to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, describing the Character in which he may be so liable, and stating what, if any, of the Compositions, together with and in addition to which any Sums were made payable in respect of the Advances repayable by such Instalment under the said recited Act, may at or previous to the passing of this Act, or would at the Time of such Instalments falling due, be, if this Act had not been made, payable by Persons being both the Owners and Occupiers of the Lands charged with such Compositions, and also stating what, if any, of the said Sums so added to such Compositions have been received by the Memorialist, and praying that the Whole or any Part of such Instalment, may be remitted; and the said Lord Lieutenant in Council shall refer each such Memorial to such Person or Persons as he may think proper, who shall require the Memorialist to prove before him or them the several Matters and Things stated in such Memorial by such Evidence as the Nature of the Case may admit, and shall investigate the Facts and Circumstances by all such Ways and Means as he or they shall think fit, subject to such Rules and Directions as the said Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in Council shall from Time to Time subscribe, and shall report thereon to the said Lord Lieutenant in Council, who shall thereupon have Power and Authority, as herein-after directed, to remit the Whole or any Part of such Instalment, and the Clerk of the Council shall certify the same to the Commissioners of the Treasury; and if they shall remit the Whole of such Instalment, the said Commissioners of the Treasury shall direct Satisfaction thereof to be duly entered and recorded in the proper Office of the Exchequer; and if they shall remit only a Part of such Instalment, the said Commissioners of the Treasury shall direct Satisfaction of the whole to be duly entered and recorded upon Payment of the Residue of such Instalment.