Poor Relief (Ireland) Act, 1838

Rates to be made in a given form.

65. [1] The particulars of every such rate shall be entered in a book, which (in addition to any other particular which the commissioners may require) shall contain an account of every particular set forth at the head of the respective columns in the form given in the second schedule to this Act annexed; and the guardians and other officers whose duty it may be to make the said rate, or such a number of the said guardians or other officers as are competent to the making and levying of the same, shall, before the same is levied, sign the declaration at the foot of the said form; and the said book shall, after the signature of the said declaration, be evidence of the truth of every particular so contained therein.

[S. 66 rep. 37 & 38 Vict. c. 96. (S.L.R.).]

[1 The provisions of this Act by which it is required that the particulars set forth in the form in the second schedule to this Act annexed shall be inserted in the rate book, and that the guardians or other officers competent to the making of the rate shall sign the declaration at the foot of the said form, are rep., 6 & 7 Vict. c. 92. s. 10.]