Grand Jury (Ireland) Act, 1836

No presentment for salary to a county treasurer to be fiated without certain certificates.

111. No presentment for any salary to any treasurer of any county shall be fiated by any court or judge unless there shall be previously produced to such court or judge by the acting clerk of the crown either a certificate signed by the proper officer of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland stating that such treasurer has duly given and entered into the recognizances now required of him by law, and that such recognizances have been duly deposited and entered or recorded in such court, and the dates thereof, and the names of the respective sureties therein, and the sums for which such sureties were severally bound, or else a certificate signed by the accountant general of the Court of Chancery, that such sum of money as shall be equal to the amount of security required to be given by such treasurer, has been duly invested as by law required, and a certicate or receipt that he has duly paid all instalments to the public boards which have been presented at the previous assizes, and that his accounts have been duly audited by the grand jury.