Chancery (Ireland) Act, 1835

Persons out of the Realm affected by such Decrees, if they return within Seven Years, to be served with a Copy, or, in case of Death, their Heirs, &c.

IV. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That if any Decree shall be made in pursuance of this Act against any Person being out of the Realm, or absconding in manner aforesaid, at the Time such Decree is pronounced, and such Person shall within Seven Years after the making such Decree return or become publicly visible, then and in such Case he shall likewise be served with a Copy of such Decree within a reasonable Time after his Return or public Appearance shall be known to the Plaintiff; and in case any Defendant against whom such Decree shall be made shall within Seven Years after the making such Decree happen to die before his or her Return into this Realm, or appearing openly as aforesaid, or shall within the Time last before mentioned die in Custody before his or her being served with a Copy of such Decree, then his or her Heir, if such Defendant shall have any Real Estate sequestered, or whereof Possession shall have been delivered to the Plaintiff, and such Heir may be found, or if such Heir shall be a Feme Covert, Infant, or non compos mentis, the Husband, Guardian, or Committee of such Heir respectively, or if the Personal Estate of such Defendant be sequestered, or Possession thereof delivered to the Plaintiff, then his Executor or Administrator (if any such there be), may and shall be served with a Copy of such Decree within a reasonable Time after it shall be known to the Plaintiff that the Defendant is dead, and who is his Heir, Executor, or Administrator, or where he may be served therewith.