Registry of Deeds (Building) Act 1826

Society may build on the Ground directed by recited Act to be laid out as a Public Passage, laying out a different Line of Street on their own Ground in lieu thereof.

II. And whereas by the said recited Act a Parcel of Ground, containing in Breadth from North to South Thirty Feet in the clear, and extending in a straight Line from the South End of King’s Inns Place, mentioned in the said Act, to that Part of Constitution Hill adjoining to Colorain Street, mentioned, in the said Act, is vested in His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, for the Purpose, as declared by the said Act, that the same should be laid out as a public Way or Passage, from the shorter and more convenient Communication between the Four Courts and the intended Repository or Repositories and Offices mentioned in the said Act; And whereas it will be necessary for the Society of King’s Inns to use Part of the said last-mentioned Parcel of Ground in laying out Sites for Chambers and in building thereon, if they shall proceed to build Chambers, and to lay out a Line of Street or Passage through their Ground different from the public Way or Passage proposed in the said Act; be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Society of King’s Inns, and for all Person or Persons, Bodies Politic or Corporate, deriving by, from, or under them, to build upon any Part of the said last-mentioned Parcel of Ground which shall be approved of by the Commissioners of Public Roads appointed under the Commission which issued under the Great Seal of that Part of the United Kingdom called Ireland, bearing Date the Thirtieth Day of August One thousand eight hundred and ten, or any Three of them, in Writing under their Hands and Seals, to be subscribed to a proper Drawing or Delineation of the said Ground, and of the Parts of the said last-mentioned Parcel of Ground so to be built upon; and that such Parts of the said last-mentioned Parcel of Ground as shall be so approved of by the said Commissioners of Records as proper to build upon, shall, from the Date of such Approbation so to be signed by the said Commissioners or any Three of them, and without any other Act or Assurance, be revested in the said Society of King’s Inns, and their Successors for ever, as of their former Estate, Title and Interest therein: Provided always, that in laying out the said Ground a good and convenient public Street or Passage, not less than Thirty Feet in the clear, leading from the said King’s Inns Buildings to the Four Courts, shall be laid out through the Ground of the laid Society.