School Sites (Ireland) Act 1810

Ecclesiastical Persons may with Consent of Diocesan grant an Acre of Land for the same Purpose.

II. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful in like Manner for every Archbishop and Bishop, and Dean or Dean and Chapter, Archdeacon, or other Ecclesiastical Dignitary, Prebendary, Rector, Vicar, and all other Ecclesiastical Persons, with the Consent of the Archbishop or Bishop of their respective Dioceses, to make an absolute Grant by Deed or Deeds under their respective Hands and Seals of any Quantity of Land to any of them respectively belonging, in Right of their respective Archbishopricks, Bishopricks, and other Ecclesiastical Dignities, or as Glebe or otherwise, not exceeding One Acre, to any Person or Persons, Body or Bodies Politic or Corporate, who shall be approved of by such Archbishop or Bishop, the Consent and Approbation of such Archbishop or Bishop to be expressed by his being a Party to and signing and sealing such Deed, in Trust for the Use of a Resident Schoolmaster, and subject to such Conditions respecting the Mode of appointing such Schoolmaster, and the Plan of Education and Regulation of such School, as is hereinbefore mentioned and expressed with respect to such Grant by other Persons herein-before mentioned.