Waterford Infirmary Act 1799

Hospital to be erected in town of Kilmac-Thomas.

A donor of 22l. 15s. shall be a governor for life.

A subscriber of 3 guineas shall be a member for a year.

II. And be it enacted, That the find infirmary or hospital shall be erected or established in the town of Kilmac-Thomas, in the said county of Waterford, on such feite as shall be approved of by the aforesaid corporation, and that every donor of any sum not less than twenty guineas to the said infirmary or hospital, shall be a governor for life; and every person who shall subscribe and pay any sum not less than three guineas for the use of the said infirmary or hospital, shall be a member of the said corporation or body-corporate for one year, from the first day of January next following such subscription or payment.