Mining Leases Act 1749

Linds granted by K. Ch. 1. to archbishop of Armagh in trust for masters of free-schools.

Archbishops of Armagh may as aforesaid lease for 41 years coal mines in lands held under grant of K. Ch. 1. in trust for school-masters :

the school-master intitled to profits of the land being party.

The rent reserved to archbishop in trust for master,

counterpart executed.

And by like consent may lease other mines in such lands for 31 years, under such reservations, &c. as by 10 G. 1. 5, the rent to be in trust for the school-master who would be intitled to the profits of the land.

II. And whereas several lands have been granted by his Majesty Ring Charles the first to James then lord archbishop of Armagh and his successors in trust for the support and benefit of several masters of free-schools in this kingdom; in some of which coal mines have been found, and more hereafter may be found; and in which also divers other kinds of mines and minerals may be discovered : for the encouragement of finding and working whereof be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid; That it shall and may be lawful to and for George; now lord archbishop of Armagh, and his successors archbishops of Armagh, by indenture, to be sealed, executed, and attested as aforesaid, to demise, make, or grant any lease or leases of any coal mine or coal mines already found, or which shall or may hereafter be found and discovered, in any of the lands whereof or wherein he or they is, shall, or may be seized, interested in, or intitled unto under the said grant made by King Charles the first, for the same term of forty one years, and at and under the same rent, and with like remedy for recovery thereof, as is herein before specified and declared; so as such lease and leases be made by and with the consent of the master of the free-school, who shall be intitled to the profits of the said lands, wherein such coal mines shall be found, at the time of making such lease, and that such consent be testified by such master by his being a party to, and sealing and executing, the same; and so as the rent thereby to be reserved be made payable to the archbishop of Armagh, and his successors archbishops of Armagh, in trust for the master of such free-school for the time being, during the continuance of such lease; and so as the lessee or lessees therein named do seal and execute a counterpart thereof; and also that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said George lord archbishop of Armagh, and his successors archbishops of Armagh, in like manner, and by like consent testified as aforesaid, to demise, make, and grant any lease or leases for any term or number of years, not exceeding thirty one years, of any other mines or minerals, which are already found, or which shall or may hereafter be found and discovered, in any of the lands held by him or his successors in trust for the purpose aforesaid, under such and the same rents, reservations, conditions, and restrictions, as are mentioned, limited, and expressed in and by the said act of the tenth year of his said late Majesty King George the first : but so always as the rent thereby to be reserved shall be in trust and for the use and benefit of the school-master, who would be intitled to the rents and profits of the said lands, wherein such mines and minerals are or shall be found, in case such lease had not been made.