Sheriffs Act, 1634

12 G. 1. 4. altered.

Not to take reward for returning juries.

I A. B. shall not use or exercise the office of under-sheriffe corruptly, during the time that I shall remain therein, neither shall or will accept, receive or take by any colour, meanes or device whatsoever, or consent to the taking of any manner of fee or reward of any person or persons for the impannelling or returning of any inquest, jury or tales, in any court of record for the King, or between party and party, above two shillings or the value thereof, or such fees as are allowed and appointed for the same by the laws and statutes of this realme, but will according to my power truely and indifferently with convenient speed, impannell all jurors, and return all such writ or writs touching the same, as shall appertain to be done by my duty or office, during the time that I shall remain in the said office: So help me God.