Boundary Survey (Ireland) Act, 1854

Power to Surveyor to mark out and define altered Boundaries, &c.

III. When the Boundary Surveyor for the Time being shall find that any Change or Alteration has taken place in the Course of any River, Stream, or Fence which had before formed the Boundary of any County, Barony, Parish, Townland, or other Division or Denomination of Land, or in any Part of such Boundary, as marked out under the said recited Act, or that any Land has been reclaimed from the Sea or a Tidal River or a Lake, it shall be lawful for such Boundary Surveyor to ascertain, define, and mark out the present acknowledged or reputed Boundaries of every such County, Barony, Half Barony, Parish, Townland, or other Division or Denomination of Land, or of such Portion or Portions thereof respectively, as such Boundary Surveyor may deem it necessary to ascertain, define, or mark out.